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We have been developing metal cabinets since 1993. Over these years we have gained  extensive experience in developing switch cabinets, cabinets for cable television providers and Ethernet networks as well others types of containers designed to protect electronic equipment.
Recently, our fiber department has seen substantial growth. We specialize in break-in resistant cabinets.
While maintaining close contact with our clients we have developed a vast range of products, examples of which you will find below. Cooperation in building a new network or modernizing an old one is especially beneficial. In such cases we adapt to meet individual clients requirements.

Prototype development and production rules.
  1. The client sends a complete design of the cabinet to be produced. It is our job, in agreement with the client, to adapt the design to our technological capabilities as well as creation of the workshop design and programming the CNC machines. The cabinet design is owned by the client and it is the client that is responsible for the final effect. Potential changes and improvements are an additional cost on the side of the client.
  2. The client puts forward his expectations for the cabinet, asks us to produce the project or prototype. In such cases there are three solutions:
a. The client pays for the development of the new cabinet. Said client is the sole owner of the project. Therefore he can hire us for mass production or outsource the production to someone else. We are not allowed to produce these cabinets for other businesses without express permission of the designs owner.
b. The client puts forward his expectations for the cabinet and orders the production of a batch at a set price. The price does not include implementation, design, reservation of copyright. We produce the batch. Sometimes the client will share his observations or improvements that could be implemented in subsequent orders. The client does not pay for the adjustments. We are the copyright owners. We reserve copyright in the case of more interesting solutions. This is the most common form of cooperation.
c. When ordering a single or multiple unconventional cabinets, the development cost is included in the price of the whole order.
We develop new cabinets in consultation with our investors. Working together guarantees that the product will meet any requirement. Considerations about future exploitation, protection from external factors and color are part of the development process.

In addition, we create cabinets based on documentation provided by the client. In our offer you will also find cabinets that many Ethernet networks use in areas that carry a high security risk (M-WZM, SP).

Our cabinets are anticorrosive, electrostatically painted with epoxy-polyester paint.
We invite you to develop with us.

3.      The client delivers a complete cabinet and wants to order mass production. He must declare his responsibility for any potential breaches of a third parties copyright.
4.        To meet the demand of the market we develop our original solutions. We create various versions and modify them to suit a clients needs.


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